Installing your new clean-water tank

If your waterworks is heading for obsolescence, it might be time to install new tanks rather than simply renovating the existing ones. If everything in a waterworks is ageing, buying new can often be more economical than renovation. Choosing a plastic clean-water tank provides you with a reliable and hygienic solution for your drinking water.

Skal tanken være nedgravet, halvt nedgravet eller placeres over jorden?

Vi vil i samråd finde den løsning, som passer bedst til jeres vandværk.

Nedetiden for vandværket afgøres af hele projektets omfang, men sammen planlægger vi processen, så den bliver så effektiv som mulig.

Clean-water tanks can be custom-made to the dimensions that suit your waterworks.

Installing your new plastic clean-water tank

A secure, lifelong investment for drinking water.

Long-life plastic tank as clean-water container

Drinking water will be going out from the clean water tank to the consumer, which makes it extra important that the tank should be reliable.

Using plastic gets you a leak-proof, antibacterial tank that gives you no worries about the quality of the drinking water, as the high strength of the material protects the clean water from coming into contact with water from outside.

Efficient installation of free-standing or buried plastic tank

We will work with you to find the best solution for your waterworks. The tank will either need to be welded together on site or delivered ready-made, depending on the type of tank you choose.

Downtime for the waterworks is determined by the scope of the entire project, but we will plan the process together to make it as efficient as possible.

Optimal hygiene and safety for consumer drinking water

The smooth surface of the plastic makes it harder for bacteria to take hold, which ensures good hygiene in the tank.

Unlike other types of materials, a plastic tank also eliminates the risk of contaminated surface water or groundwater entering the tank.

The solution is approved for the storage of drinking water, and complies with the strict legal requirements in this area.

The plastic material lasts for more than 50 years

Plastic is an extremely strong material that is difficult to break down, so your new tank is guaranteed to last long.

The material is highly resistant to wear and tear, so a plastic tank will enable a waterworks to minimise operating costs and maintenance, providing a safe solution for the future. The material is also the same as that of the plastic pipes that already supply consumers with clean drinking water.

I now have a really good solution for our drinking water storage. Everything has come together well. The small issues we’ve had are now solved, and everything I was keen to see happen has happened
Arne Schmidt
Operations Manager, Brørup Vandværk
My main recommendation is to find a partner with extensive experience with the plastic material and an understanding of large plastic structures. We set great store by the product’s being 100% impermeable and of high quality. At the same time, it was also important for it to be sustainable as possible. Dansk Plast were also in full control of their documentation and quality throughout. We are subject to especially strict standards for water testing, which is why independent inspections are carried out regularly, and we have not yet experienced any problems.
Michael Simonsen
Glostrup Sports Centre
We quickly agreed that the concrete tank should be lined with drinking water-approved plastic sheets, as this would ensure that the water company could supply clean water to the local area without worrying about leaks in the tank or the ingress of contaminated surface water.
Bent Holst
Chairman, Vester Nebel Vandværk

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