Life-extending plastic lining of oxygenation and reaction tanks

Dalby vandværk
Task types
A life-prolonging plastic lining of oxygenation and reaction tanks was needed to ensure clean drinking water in the future.

Plastic liners approved for use with drinking water offered the best and most durable solution to meet the challenges Dalby Vandværk (Dalby Waterworks) faced with its ageing oxygenation and reaction tanks.

Before and after plastic lining of oxygenation tank
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Plastic liner approved for drinking water

The condition of the tanks was poor, so the solution available to extend the life of the filter basins safely and to drinking-water standards was to line them with a plastic liner.

The oxygenation and reaction tanks were lined with 4mm blue HDPE sheet (high density polyethelene plastic) with spacer behind. This provides an extra assurance that the clean water has only been in contact with materials approved for use with drinking water.

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Plastic piping

The existing PVC pipes were very worn and needed to be replaced, so they were replaced with plastic pipes approved for use with drinking water. Plastic pipes are extremely well documented as having long durability.

Flow meters and new valves were also installed, along with drain cocks. The drain cocks assist with quicker and better monitoring of water samples. This makes it easier for the water plant company when testing the drinking water quality.

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Extra security and easier maintenance

The strength and well-documented properties of the plastic make maintaining and cleaning the filter basin easier. After being lined with plastic, tanks can be easily cleaned with a high-pressure washer or similar. Manifolds and piping in the basins are also removable for easier cleaning and maintenance in the future.

Besides ease of cleaning and maintenance, plastic liners also provide protection against external contamination.

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We were looking for a durable solution and after some research, I found that only Dansk Plast offered a drinking water-approved and long lasting solution. It was obvious to me that they had a lot of experience and control over the workflow. And I certainly haven't regretted it.

Michael, Dalby Vandværk